showing results 1-3 of 3
/awoo/ (80) /bigen/ (764) /biz/ (14) /christianbutnotseriousaboutit/ (2) /femgen/ (16) /fit/ (2309) /fit/izen (6) /fit/izens (9) /highiq/ (5) /jp/ (15) /lolg/ (355) /mu/ (288) /out/ (331) /r9k/ 2 (72) /x/ (139) 4chan (1084) anime (1053) aquarius (2) aquilae (15) astralcodexten (5) based (22) bi (361) board games (56) boxing (3) cafe alpha (42) chadbase members (5) cloverclub (17) clovercon 2020 (59) comunidad psicodelica (7) (61) effective altruism (41) failed normie (531) fb december 2020 (172) femanon (43) femboy (325) fitbodyimprovementclub (28) friendly (149) ftmg (265) gamer (1442) gazitip99 (10) google send unanswered taxi call to us (3) grab cab booking 617-792-0105 (3) hackernews (21) haha (226) harvard kennedy school mc/mpa 2021 (46) i c bajs (16) infj (3) innawoods stalker (8) japanese (17) jbas (4) joi (6) kissless virgin (63) lainon (51) lesswrong (52) linux (61) lockdown girls (49) lonely (599) looking for frens (1941) loser (342) male (194) map for people interested in world conquest (10) mapadepresji (38) middle-earth-sbg (63) music (263) musician (92) nazbol (3) night drive (39) nj gang (5) online campfire (315) out (863) philosophy (118) programmer (333) psychedelic (85) quantum technology (3) quarantine (3) questionable content (5) r/killerqueen (4) r/prequelcrusaders (3) r/u_aqua_megami (1) r9k (5090) schizo (12) schizoid (21) sci_fyi (201) shoegaze (17) slatestarcodex (657) smierdzi (3) social justice (4) suspects the jews (36) tfwnogf (96) university (47) vidya (183) weeb (368) weed (94) whoser (31) why dont you come over for shabbos (2) xivg (3) xkcd (6) zesralem (4)
Location: Tokyo, Japan
#Gloom9600 18yo lonely robot looking for human connection
4chan (1084) anime (1053) cyberpunk (19) nazbol (3) r9k (5090) vidya (183)
Location: Mobile County, Alabama, United States of America
/mu/ (288) 4chan (1084) alcoholic (9) anime (1053) christian (18) doomer (28) failed normie (531) fat (7) lonely (599) looking for frens (1941) loser (342) nazbol (3) pol (24) r9k (5090) suspects the jews (36) tfwnogf (96)
Location: Budapest, Hungary