showing results 1-19 of 19
Manchester rationalist/SSC organizer, there are several of us in a grouphouse
ea (7) economics (20) effective altruism (41) programmer (341) rationalist (74) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Manchester, England, United Kingdom
board games (56) economics (20) effective altruism (41) lesswrong (51) math (48) philosophy (124) programmer (341) rationalist (74) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Superposition across the entirety of the Midwest, United States of America
/lit/ (93) /sci/ (8) /x/ (144) agriculture (4) biology (38) chess (9) cyborg (24) economics (20) medicine (8) meditation (5) pharmacology (2) psychedelic (85) r9k (5108) walks (9)
Location: Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States of America
anki (1) computers (28) economics (20) english (9) fire (financial independence early retirement) (10) french (4) friendly (153) japanese (17) math (48) programmer (341) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Levallois-Perret, Ile-de-France, France
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
/bara/ (135) /fit/ (2313) /gfur/ (418) adhd (41) anime (1114) big gay (1) comfy (13) cooking (38) degeneracy (17) economics (20) fitness (8) gamer (1520) gym (8) haha (233) looking for frens (2101) male (211) no homo (3) pokemon (43) scuba diving (2) switch (28) weed (101) wine (3)
Location: Cayman Islands
/bigen/ (780) /lgbt/ (1125) /lit/ (93) /transbiangen/ (335) (1758) economics (20) failed normie (545) looking for frens (2101) mtf (1367) r/ttttrans (285)
Location: Frederick, Maryland, United States of America
Halo, am boymoda 22, Los Angeles + South Carolina
19 Discord servers/lgbt/ (1125) 18-25 (1610) 4chan (1138) adhd (41) anime (1114) autism (271) based (23) bi (390) boymoder (731) (1758) debateincels (41) economics (20) failed normie (545) gamer (1520) horny (94) lainon (48) looking for frens (2101) loser (349) male (211) mtf (1367) philosophy (124) pokemon (43) r/196 (17) r/19684 (2) r/197 (1) r/4tran (296) r/4trancirclejerk (43) r/4transelfietrain (14) r/691 (3) r/adhd (8) r/characterrant (1) r/dataisbeautiful (7) r/discordvideos (4) r/easternad (2) r/eyebleach (7) r/history (9) r/nintendo (6) r/nottheonion (8) r/okbuddyretard (2) r/okbuddyvowsh (1) r/singularity (4) r/smutttt (45) r/stardustcrusaders (2) r/transguns (7) r/ttttrans (285) r/vaushv (3) r/wedoalittleposting (1) r/whenthe (7) r/wordington (3) r/worldnews (14) r/wunkus (3) retard (77) tfw no bf (57) too many tags you dumb autist (114) university (52) vidya (194) weeb (384) white (21)
Location: Beaufort County, South Carolina, United States of America
/awoo/ (83) /g/ (79) /mlp/ (33) 4chan (1138) anime (1114) autism (271) bi (390) board games (56) chess (9) economics (20) effective altruism (41) fantasy (4) fire (financial independence early retirement) (10) friendly (153) furry (306) gamer (1520) hackernews (21) history (20) linux (62) male (211) math (48) musician (95) philosophy (124) piano (6) programmer (341) psychedelic (85) rationalist (74) reddit (4) sci_fyi (200) science fiction (21) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Austin, Texas, United States of America
Grad student at caltech [physics].
biology (38) economics (20) hackernews (21) physics (10) programmer (341) rationalist (74) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Pasadena, California, United States of America
Do you make music or enjoy driving? Could you use a boring, bland robot friend? If so, well.
Location: Monroe County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
The maverick mathologist. The anxiety-driven shadowed.
ai (10) economics (20) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Unnamed location
computer science (38) economics (20) lesswrong (51) philosophy (124) programmer (341) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
climbing (10) economics (20) effective altruism (41) geopolitics (1) philosophy (124) programmer (341) rationalist (74) slatestarcodex (657) technology (13) utilitarian (4)
Location: Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States of America
economics (20) marginal revolution (1) meditation (5) philosophy (124) slatestarcodex (657)
Location: Manhattan Community Board 4, New York, United States of America
/lit/ (93) /mu/ (295) /out/ (332) astralcodexten (5) economics (20) effective altruism (41) happy (5) hiking (41) lesswrong (51) music (294) out (876) questionable content (5) rationalist (74) slatestarcodex (657) theunitofcaring (5) thingofthings (2) xkcd (6)
Location: Bonn, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
agriculture (4) biology (38) economics (20) india (1) programmer (341)
Location: Hyderabad, Telangana, India