showing results 151-180 of 256
/mu/ (295) 4chan (1138) alcoholic (9) anime (1112) christian (18) doomer (30) failed normie (546) fat (8) lonely (636) looking for frens (2102) loser (349) nazbol (3) pol (22) r9k (5107) suspects the jews (33) tfwnogf (98)
Location: Budapest, Hungary
/mu/ (295) 18-25 (1609) anime (1112) cool (3) doomer (30) failed normie (546) friendly (153) gamer (1520) heavy metal (20) lonely (636) looking for frens (2102) osu! (6) philosophy (124) r9k (5107)
Location: New York, New York, United States of America
/gfur/ (418) /mu/ (295) gaygen (411) r9gay (536) r9k (5107)
Location: Jackson County, Oregon, United States of America
/mu/ (295) /r9k/ 2 (70) clg (30) r9k (5107)
Location: North Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
/fit/ (2312) /mu/ (295) /pol/ (121) failed normie (546)
Location: Vienna, Vienna, Austria
/mu/ (295) /x/ (143) 4chan (1138) haha (233) hahaihatemyself (129) looking for frens (2102)
Location: Bologna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
/mu/ (295) gamer (1520) kissless virgin (68) lonely (636) loser (349) r9gay (536) r9k (5107)
Location: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
29yo wagie programmer. I'm into fishing, psychs, and using live music as a friendship simulator.
/mu/ (295) /x/ (143) 25 plus (39) boomer (8) christmas cake (1) concerts (5) (61) drugs (79) failed normie (546) fishing (10) infp (12) kissless virgin (68) linux (61) loner (25) noise music (10) programmer (340) psychedelic (85) taleb stan (1) tiling wm (3) virgin (47)
Location: Swindon, England, United Kingdom
/k/ (622) /mu/ (295) /pol/ (121) out (876) r9k (5107)
Location: Nuovo Circondario Imolese, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
i play classical music for food and strings
Location: Região Imediata de Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
/bigen/ (780) /fit/ (2312) /g/ (79) /lit/ (93) /mu/ (295) 4chan (1138) bi (389) cbg (167) femboy (349) ftmg (269) lesswrong (51) out (876) psychedelic (85) slatestarcodex (657) st4tg (159)
Location: Humboldt County, California, United States of America
Looking for a buddy to go mountaineering with.
/an/ (3) /ck/ (16) /fit/ (2312) /k/ (622) /mu/ (295) /out/ (332) out (876)
Location: Nijmegen, Gelderland, The Netherlands
20M musicbot looking for frens listen to old school psych rock with me and philosophize
/mu/ (295) /pol/ (121) failed normie (546) musician (95) r9k (5107)
Location: Los Angeles County, California, United States of America
maybe meet up with some folk for hikes etc. collect music, like cooking and swimming
Location: Renfrewshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
/mu/ (295) /x/ (143) anime (1112) r9k (5107)
Location: Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
Recently moved here, forests are beautiful so less go out
/lit/ (93) /mu/ (295) /out/ (332) /x/ (143) out (876)
Location: Uppsala kommun, Uppsala County, Sweden
/lgbt/ (1124) /mu/ (295) (1759) gamer (1520)
Location: Humboldt County, California, United States of America
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
/bigen/ (780) /fit/ (2312) /gfur/ (418) /mu/ (295) abdl (83) furry (306) lonely (636) looking for frens (2102) r9k (5107)
Location: Fort Myers, Florida, United States of America
Hit me up if you wanna make music, go drinking, or just hang out
/mu/ (295) 18-25 (1609) anime (1112) looking for frens (2102) musician (95) programmer (340)
Location: Dane County, Wisconsin, United States of America
/bigen/ (780) /fit/ (2312) /mu/ (295) 4chan (1138) bi (389) gay (171) guitar (33) looking for frens (2102) music (294) r9gay (536) r9k (5107)
Location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria
/mu/ (295) 4chan (1138) blackmetal (9) depressed (72) emo (30) failed normie (546) furry (306) goth (32) guro (14) heavy metal (20) horror (12) looking for frens (2102) metal (10) noise music (10) sad (20)
Location: Hudson County, New Jersey, United States of America
/a/ (31) /fit/ (2312) /mu/ (295)
Location: Houston, Texas, United States of America
/mu/ (295) /out/ (332) /tv/ (25) artist (252) looking for frens (2102) photography (26) r9k (5107)
Location: St. Peter, Jersey
/mu/ (295) 18-25 (1609) gamer (1520) lainon (48) looking for frens (2102) male (211)
Location: Moscow, Moscow, Russia
/mu/ (295) /out/ (332) /x/ (143) 4chan (1138) failed normie (546) fascism (3) lonely (636) pol (22) schizoid (20) system of self-termination (1)
Location: Poquoson, Virginia, United States of America
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
/gfur/ (418) /mu/ (295) (1759) gaygen (411) haha (233) hahaihatemyself (129)
Location: Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
/bigen/ (780) /fit/ (2312) /mu/ (295) /out/ (332) 18-25 (1609) 4chan (1138) anime (1112) bi (389) cbg (167) dumpster diving (9) gamer (1520) looking for frens (2102) male (211) music (294) night walk (71) r9gay (536) r9k (5107) university (52) vidya (194) weed (101)
Location: Bundaberg Region, Queensland, Australia