showing results 1-4 of 4
/lgbt/ (1123) /tttt/ (185) boymoder (730) (1760) ketamine (4) looking for frens (2091) mtf (1365) r/spore (2) r/ttttrans (285) writing (31)
Location: Suffolk County, New York, United States of America
18-25 (1599) 4chan (1130) anime (1106) doomer (29) failed normie (543) femanon (43) gamer (1516) hahaihatemyself (128) ketamine (4) lonely (629) looking for frens (2091) online campfire (317) programmer (339) weeb (382)
Location: New York, New York, United States of America
/lgbt/ (1123) dxm (1) ftmg (269) gacha (4) gaygen (411) happy (5) ketamine (4) music (293) psychedelic (86) r/aww (17) r/mademesmile (2) r/yaoi (8) weed (101)
Location: Dublin, Ireland
/x/ (142) 4chan (1130) anime (1106) anxiety (22) board games (56) christian (18) depressed (71) drugs (80) femanon (43) gamer (1516) hikikomori (29) ketamine (4) lonely (629) looking for frens (2091) loser (349) mentally ill (18) movies (51) music (293) neet (154) r9k (5104) retard (76) sad (20) shy (81) tfw no bf (56)
Location: New York, New York, United States of America