showing results 31-33 of 33
/fit/ (2313) /out/ (332) /x/ (144) 4chan (1138) looking for frens (2102) night drive (39) night walk (71) r9k (5108)
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
/k/ (622) 4chan (1138) anime (1113) art (51) autism (271) board games (56) chess (9) christian (18) comfy (13) (61) cyborg (24) depressed (72) depression (13) doomer (30) failed normie (545) femanon (43) friends (122) gamer (1521) history (20) incel (36) kissless virgin (67) literature (26) lonely (635) loner (25) loser (349) manga (113) night drive (39) night walk (71) philosophy (124) pol (22) psychology (15) r9k (5108) r9k2020 (16) retard (77) robot (29) sad (20) soc (13) suspects the jews (33) tfwnogf (98) vidya (194) virgin (47) walks (9) weeb (384)
Location: Norwich, Vermont, United States of America