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I'm drowning in the lake!

Dragon from East York here. Message me sad cats!
I'm 28, 6'2" and 195lbs. Yeah, I lift.
I'd like to meet more people to talk to. Preferably people I can meet IRL. Maybe a fellow autist to date eventually (either gender is ok).
I have a wide variety of interests, so I'm sure we'll have something in common.

I would prefer to talk on telegram, but discord is there. I don't check steam friends too often.

When the object enters the timestream, time begins to correct itself. Let me use this example: Imagine four balls on the edge of a cliff. Say a direct copy of the ball nearest the cliff is sent to the back of the line of balls and takes the place of the first ball. The formerly first ball becomes the second, the second becomes the third, and the fourth falls off the cliff. Time works the same way.

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