showing results 1981-2010 of 2039
/bigen/ (819) /fit/ (2318) /lgbt/ (1322) 4chan (1206) anime (1213) femboy (387) gamer (1646) gaygen (413) looking for frens (2348) weeb (401)
Location: Lomas del Mirador, Buenos Aires, Argentina
/x/ (150) 18-25 (1796) 4chan (1206) adopt a neet (24) anime (1213) failed normie (561) friendly (169) gamer (1646) lonely (687) looking for frens (2348) out (886) programmer (361) r9k (5131) weeb (401)
Location: Vulcan County, Alberta, Canada
/fit/ (2318) looking for frens (2348) r9k (5131)
Location: Forsyth, Georgia, United States of America (1923) looking for frens (2348) mtf (1578) r/ttttrans (318)
Location: City of Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
/bigen/ (819) anime (1213) looking for frens (2348)
Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
/bigen/ (819) /lgbt/ (1322) anime (1213) cuteboy (213) gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348) male (223) manga (129) too many tags you dumb autist (124) vidya (204) weeb (401)
Location: Georgetown County, South Carolina, United States of America
gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348) music (328)
Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States of America
anime (1213) gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348) programmer (361) straight (48)
Location: no location
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
4chan (1206) anime (1213) failed normie (561) gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
4chan (1206) london (3) looking for frens (2348)
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
18-25 (1796) boymoder (817) looking for frens (2348) mtf (1578) programmer (361)
Location: Arlington County, Virginia, United States of America
/a/ (32) 18-25 (1796) 4chan (1206) anime (1213) comics (7) gamer (1646) guitar (36) london (3) looking for frens (2348) looking for gf (18) musician (104) outdoor (3)
Location: no location
/lgbt/ (1322) 18-25 (1796) (1923) looking for frens (2348) r9k (5131)
Location: Nashville-Davidson, Tennessee, United States of America
/lgbt/ (1322) 18-25 (1796) gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348)
Location: no location
/lgbt/ (1322) 18-25 (1796) (1923) looking for frens (2348) mtf (1578)
Location: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
art (55) artist (269) looking for frens (2348)
Location: DeKalb County, Alabama, United States of America
anime (1213) bi (433) ftm (72) gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348) neet (169)
Location: Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
4chan (1206) gamer (1646) gaygen (413) looking for frens (2348)
Location: Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
haha (236) lonely (687) looking for frens (2348)
Location: Cantón Grecia, Alajuela Province, Costa Rica
Hiii I'm just a nobody Just a guy looking for someone to talk
Location: Al Wusta Governorate, Oman (1923) enby (28) gamer (1646) girl (22) looking for frens (2348) mtf (1578) out (886)
Location: Brevard County, Florida, United States of America
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
4chan (1206) gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348)
Location: Municipal Unit of Dafni, Attica, Greece
/lgbt/ (1322) /soc/ hookup (81) bi (433) lonely (687) looking for frens (2348) r9gay (540) r9k (5131)
Location: La Crosse, Wisconsin, United States of America
This user's profile may be NSFW, click on this user to view it
gamer (1646) looking for frens (2348) r/askcardiology (1) r/askscience (14) r/baking (2) r/biochemistry (2) r/biology (1) r/boardgames (8) r/books (18) r/bropill (2) r/bushcraft (1) r/candida (1) r/chemistry (1) r/cleanlivingkings (1) r/cogsci (2) r/communication (1) r/consciousness (2) r/cooking (5) r/cursed_chemistry (1) r/debate (2) r/dermatologyquestions (1) r/diy (14) r/drjohnvervaeke (1) r/educationreform (1) r/epigenetics (1) r/evopsych (1) r/existentialism (4) r/fallacy (1) r/fire (1) r/fitness (8) r/frugal (4) r/gadgets (10) r/genetics (1) r/genomics (2) r/haematology (1) r/halalinvestor (1) r/hardware (6) r/health (3) r/healthcare (1) r/homeimprovement (2) r/imagestreaming (1) r/immunology (1) r/improv (1) r/intervpulmonology (1) r/islamichistorymeme (1) r/lahore (1) r/lectures (2) r/lifehacks (6) r/longevity (3) r/longform (1) r/lymphoma (1) r/math (4) r/medicine (2) r/meditation (4) r/medschoolankiindia (1) r/melasmaskincare (1) r/metaphysics (2) r/microbiology (2) r/migraine (1) r/muslimbros (1) r/mycology (2) r/mycologyandgenetics (1) r/neuralcode (2) r/neuro (2) r/nostalgia (10) r/nutrition (2) r/osint (2) r/overseas_pakistani (2) r/pakistan (2) r/permaculture (1) r/personalfinance (9) r/pharmacology (1) r/phenomenology (3) r/philadelphia (2) r/philosophy (12) r/physics (2) r/pornismisogyny (1) r/privacy (6) r/productivity (5) r/psychology (4) r/publicspeaking (1) r/quotes (3) r/radiology (2) r/research (1) r/sleep (2) r/sleepapnea (1) r/sociology (1) r/solar (1) r/statistics (2) r/statisticszone (1) r/step3 (1) r/studytips (1) r/surgery (1) r/sustainability (3) r/ted (1) r/transhuman (2) r/transhumanism (3) r/truereddit (4) r/vagusnerve (1) r/zenhabits (2)
Location: Punjab, Pakistan
/g/ (80) 18-25 (1796) autism (309) failed normie (561) looking for frens (2348) loser (368) programmer (361)
Location: Bavaria, Germany
anime (1213) boymoder (817) gamer (1646) lonely (687) looking for frens (2348)
Location: Yuma, Arizona, United States of America
/lgbt/ (1322) fetish (9) kink (28) lonely (687) looking for frens (2348) r/bondage (5) r/sive1submissions (3)
Location: High Peak, England, United Kingdom