showing results 1-3 of 3
23M, into vidya, anime, football, reading, standard stuff really
/r9k/ 2 (70) 18-25 (1599) 4chan (1130) anime (1106) autism (269) drugs (80) failed normie (543) football (3) gamer (1516) hahaihatemyself (128) kinda-shy (1) lonely (629) looking for frens (2091) loser (349) movies (51) philosophy (122) r9k (5104) university (52) vidya (194) weeb (382)
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
18-25 (1599) 4chan (1130) anime (1106) bi (386) engineer (10) failed normie (543) football (3) gamer (1516) kissless virgin (67) manga (111) manlet (3) r9k (5104) tfwnogf (98) virgin (46) weeb (382)
Location: North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
Just little old me looking to meet new people!
Location: Manchester, England, United Kingdom